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Fiberlock - ABC Asbestos Encapsulant/Sealant

  • 5 Gallon Pail
  • Available in White & Clear
  • 1 Part Water to 1 Part ABC
  • Apply with an airless sprayer
  • Coverage:Smooth Surfaces: 50-100 ft2/galPorous Surfaces: 50-75 ft2/gal

ABC Asbestos Binding Compound is a high solids asbestos encapsulant/sealant, designed to encapsulate friable Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) such as reproof and insulation material.

ABC is an important tool for coping with the health hazards associated with exposure to asbestos fibers. In 1978, ABC was tested for the EPA under contract #68-03-2552-T2005 by Battelle Laboratories of Columbus, Ohio and found to meet the requirements for the effective encapsulation and removal of ACM.

The high solids, non flammable composition of ABC allows for dilution with water to provide maximum exibility for specific asbestos abatement needs. Including: lockdown/removal, penetrating encapsulation and bridging encapsulation.

ABC is also an effective tool for controlling the documented health hazard of exposure to asbestos fibers found present in soil.


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